• SCORING: All official scoring and timing will be done via transponders by Westhold Corporation. All cars will be required to have 2 transponder mounting pouches on each car. Transponder rental is included in entry, however mounting pouches are not included in transponder rentals. All cars to use transponders provided by Westhold and will be distributed during driver check in.
• WHEEL BASE: Maximum wheel base 116 inches/minimum wheel base 96 inches
• MAXIMUM CAR WIDTH: Maximum width of car 92 inches
• STEERING: No center steering type cars
• CAR WEIGHT: Minimum 2800 pounds with driver. Maximum 3600 pounds without driver or passenger.
• TIRES & WHEELS: 4 tires and wheels only, must have 20 psi in the tires to start. Top of tire measured from the ground must not exceed 32 inches. Wheels up to and including 8 inches in width may run any tire. 10 Inch wide wheels must be steel and tire must be an ungrooved asphalt slick only. Wheels cannot be solid black and no other wheel and tire combo will be allowed. Wheel covers allowed but must be bolted on by at least 6 bolts on a beadlock ring.
• CAR BODY: Cars must have hood, doors, rear quarters and a trunk or covered rear deck. Wings, spoilers, sideboards or any other body panels cannot be adjustable from inside cockpit of car and or by remote control. No part of body can be made out of material more than 1/16 gauge thick. All wheel openings must remain open, and no part of the body may cover the outside of tire. No nerf bars outside the tires. Seats must have steel protection underneath. No lights on cars. Rear spoilers and sideboards cannot be more than 12 inches tall and must be mounted behind the driver and nowhere else on the racecar. After market roofs may not have more than 15 degrees of angle on any part except for 1 1⁄2 inch edge of roof that maybe bent for bracing of roof. Roofs may not extend past rear of car. Stock OEM roofs must retain stock appearance and cannot be mounted upside down. Any car utilizing a sprint car style wing of any type above halo must run one holley 4412 - 500 CFM 2 barrel carburetor unless engine is utilizing electronic fuel injection.
• BUMPERS: All cars must have bumpers that are completely welded on and or chained. Bumper loop or chain mandatory for towing purposes. Staff is not responsible for any damages from towing or pushing. No solid black bumpers. No sharp/pointed edges on bumpers or any other part of car!
• FUEL CELL: Fuel Cell maximum of 32 gallons, securely mounted and protected. Fuel filter cannot hold more than a quart and fuel line cannot exceed more than 1/2” diameter and a maximum of 16 feet long.
• CAGE: All cars will have a minimum of a 4 point cage with a minimum of 3 driver door bars with vertical supports securely welded, 1 1⁄2 - 0.95 minimum. All bars that can be touched by driver while driver is in the seat must have roll bar padding. Steel driver door plate and window net required. Ballast must be mounted with 1⁄2 bolts painted white with car #
.• START: Self-start with forward and reverse.
• DRIVE SHAFT: Drive shaft must be painted white and must have safety loop or chain.• BRAKES: Cars must have working brakes.
• SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: Car must have minimum of 3 windshield bars. Racing seat and 5 point seat belt harness must be securely mounted to cage. Full face helmet, fire suit, gloves and neck brace required. Small fire extinguisher required, securely mounted in all cars. All fuel injected cars must have electric master disconnect mounted on rear deck behind driver. Batteries must be securely mounted and terminals must be covered.
• Only one receiver per car permitted and is mandatory for driver to receive information from race officials only. No 2 way communication. No scanners allowed. No rear view mirrors.
• DOOR NUMBER: Cars must have contrasting large, easily readable numbers on doors and roof.
• No 4 wheel or all wheel drive allowed.
• Passengers allowed, passenger must meet all safety requirements as driver. Car must have 3 passenger door bars, steel plate under seat, steel door plate, passenger window net and roll bar padding same as driver.
• ENGINE: If a car wins either Friday or Saturday night and is also the highest average finisher for both nights which will equate to a $15,000 payday, car will have engine removed from car and engine will be auctioned off. In the event of a tie for average finisher from both days, tie breaker will be the best placed finishing car from either day. Engines being pulled will be complete long blocks to include intake, valve covers, and oil pan: No other accessories are included! If a car wins both nights which equates to a $25,000 payday, driver seat will be removed and entire car will be auctioned off. Monies from auction will be split evenly and paid to 1st, 15th, 25th and 40th placed average finishers of same car competing on both days.

Questions? Contact Us
We love to talk or text about this race.
Brad Dixon 713-894-3748